Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Oh my GOD I just want to go to sleep.

First, every page I get on for Blogger pops shit up at me. I don't need you to tell me how to do everything. I CAN FIGURE IT OUT, ASSHOLE.


I'm starting another blog. How many blogs have I had in my life? Good night... I dunno. By saying "good night," you can guess that I'm old enough to at least have had 5. Wait - old people don't have blogs. This logic is flawed.

So my "about me" section is right. I wanted my blog to be under the same account as my Gmail. I was tired of blogging and stupid Blogger taking me out of Gmail. Although... I don't really blog often. So I guess it's not really a problem.

The truth is? I'm vain, and want a new blog, so I'm making it happen. RIGHT NOW. I love caps, and parentheses, and ellipses, and quotations marks, and I want to share them with the WORLD. I will do it! Now. Or something.

Or maybe I'll just make this where I write about pop culture. Because I have thoughts a lot to write about things that I know about in the entertainment world (and trust me, I know a lot). I certainly won't write about my life in a sad, boring way. Because I am sad and boring enough in real life. I don't need to attack people with it in my blog life.

I hate the word blog. HATE HATE HATE. I prefer blogsby because it makes you think of Bill Cosby, but it's removed enough to where you only remember the comforting part of Cosby, and not the weird illegitimate child-having, possibly lady-harassing parts of Cosby. BLOGSBY! Feel comforted. I'll sit on a stool and tell you about being a father.

Oh my god I'm being random. I need to go to sleep. Stupid work, ruining my life.