Thursday, May 19, 2011


(Post-blogging note: I was gonna wait until later to post this, so people wouldn't know I was up this late, but then I remember a couple people like reading this at work, so I'm posting it now. YES, I'M STILL UP. I WAS WORKING ON IMPORTANT STUFF. But then I started blogging because the important stuff made me crangry. AND NOW, because I made this post-blogging note, everything is oddly spacing itself. UGH UGH UGH. DEATH.)


So I've been thinking about writing this DIFFERENT blog for days, but I don't write serious blogs, and the subject of my other blog is too serious for my liking. Maybe if I'm feeling especially emo or some shit, I'll write that blog. Until then... we're talkin' pickles, bitches.
I understand that not everyone loves pickles. Or rather, I am aware that not everyone loves pickles... I'm not sure I actually UNDERSTAND it. They're pickles! They're sour (or sour and sweet, if you're into that kind), and crunchy, and juicy, and DELICIOUS. What's not to like?

I'll tell you what's not to like (holy shit, am I about to play devil's advocate on some pickles? I FEEL CONFUSED ABOUT MY LIFE RIGHT NOW): they're not really food. I could eat a whole jar of pickles (and I have, when I was a child), and not feel full. Sure, I'll feel bloated, and if I wiggle around, my belly would make a weird sloshing sound, but I will certainly not be full. On the other hand, if I eat one regular-sized pickle, I feel content. I'm practically Buckwheat at that point. (DAMMIT, LITTLE RASCALS. I wanted to link to a YouTube video of Buckwheat saying "I got a pickle, I got a pickle, I got a pickle HEY HEY HEY HEY." But that doesn't exist. He only says that about a dollar. He STARTS to sing the song about TWO pickles, but clearly, I am about to debunk the want of two pickles. SIGH. Blogging about pickles is hard.) Now if I have more than one regular-sized pickle? (This includes giant pickles, which I thought I loved, and am now in a world of turmoil because of my pickle issues.) (AH MAH GAH TASHINA STOP WITH THE PARENTHESES AND JUST TELL YOUR FUCKING STORY.) (SHUT UP, PARALLEL UNIVERSE TASHINA, BECAUSE PEOPLE WHO READ YOUR BLOGSBY KNOW YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH PARENTHESIZING... AND MAKING UP WORDS... AND CAPS LOCKING EVERYTHING.)

(Yeesh. Now I have to start a new paragraph, what with all the sidethoughts and whatnot.)

What was I talking about? Oh right... so what if I have more than one regular-sized pickle? Well, what happens is that I am happy for a little longer than a normal person would be... and then the pickle sadness sets in. "What is pickle sadness?" you ask (or you don't, in which case... stop reading this blogsby, dummy). Pickle sadness is that point where your tummy starts to realize how much acid that pickle has in it, and your mouth starts to realize how sour the pickle is, and your intestines start to realize how it wants to poop. But if you're like me, you don't want to waste a pickle, so you force yourself to eat it. It is uncomfortable, and you can't have another pickle for DAYS. Not even on your sandwich. Trust me. I know about this.

Another issue I have with pickles is the sweet and sour pickle. I mean... WHAT IS THAT?! Who thought to themselves, "I know people love pickles, but what if we made them sweet as well? It's like a SweeTart, but grosser!" Also: UGH. I just Googled sweet and sour pickles, and all that came up were recipes for them. I DON'T WANT A DAMN RECIPE FOR AN ABOMINATION. Also, why are they sometimes called "bread and butter"? What does bread and butter have to do with sweet and sour? I DON'T GET IT. Fuck you, sweet and sour pickles. Also, fuck you grocery stores, for sometimes stocking things in the wrong place, and then I'm not paying attention when I buy pickles, and I don't pay attention when I open them, and I put a pickle in my mouth only to find out it's a fucking SWEET AND SOUR PICKLE. (Yes, I realize that all of that is my fault. But my hatred of sweet and sour pickles is so deep that I refuse to take responsibility for any of that happening. I believe it was the sweet and sour pickle dwarves trying to put a curse on me. BUT I DIDN'T SWALLOW ANY OF THAT PICKLE, FUCKERS. YOU CAN'T CATCH ME.)

And now... I have a weird caveat to my sweet and sour hate. Lookadis:,32402/. At first, I only read this out of curiosity; I had no desire to ever make them. But when I read that article, and they talked about how the pickles weren't actually SWEET, I became a bit more intrigued. Come on, I have to have at least one pickle lover out there. Preferably one who has money (because I don't). Let's (and by "let's," I mean you) buy pickles and kool aid mix (I can buy THAT! IT'S CHEAP!) and make them! It'll be fun! Or disgusting. I dunno. But I'm fascinated by kool aid pickles. SOMEONE DO IT WITH ME. DON'T MAKE ME START KANYEING ALL OF MY BLOG. (If you don't know what that means... I can't even begin to understand you. Again, you should probably stop reading my blogsby.)

Last pickle thought: for those of you who don't know, I have a strong attachment to eating pickles slices (and usually, I just cut a whole pickle INTO slices) on various chips. Pringles were an initial favorite, although I also like Ruffles and various tortilla chips. However, I've recently discovered the magic of the mini tortilla chip rounds - they are almost always the EXACT size of the pickle slice, and it is like magic in my mouth. I could eat that shit forever. However, if you buy a jar of hamburger slices, Pringles are definitely the way to go. They both have oblong shapes, and complement each other well. Thus endeth my praise of pickle/chip combos.

Random Thoughts:
  • I don't understand how people can go to sleep with their TVs super loud. I do rather like falling asleep to the TV, but if it's at a level that could wake a deaf person, that's gonna make it really hard for me to fall asleep. HOW DO PEOPLE DO IT?
  • As some of you may know, I have a weakness for crime procedurals. Because of that, I have been watching "Law and Order: LA" (which the network wanted to call "LOLA," but which I wanted to call "LandOLA" because I called the OG "Law and Order" "LandO" [Thanks, friend who gave that to me years ago] and I refuse to let go of that) and trying to support it because NBC sucks and CANCELLED OG LandO WHEN IT WAS ACTUALLY PRETTY FUCKING GOOD IN THE LAST SEASON. Anyway, LandOLA sucks legitimately despite the acting of Alfred Molina and Terence Howard... well, and most of the cast, actually. The weakest link on that show, acting-wise, was Peter Coyote (I know, right?!?), and he wasn't on that much. Everyone else was actually pretty solid. The bald dude with the mustache (who then shaved his mustache after [SPOILER ALERT BUT HOLY SHIT I HOPE YOU DON'T CARE] Skeet Ulrich got killed [not like this, but because I hate Skeet Ulrich {and actually HE was the worst actor on the show but he's so bland that I almost didn't notice him until he died} and love seeing him incessantly fake-die, I'll post it anyway and thank Irvin], and I know Skeet was his partner but DUDE the guy's name in real life was Skeet and your mustache was awesome and I might irrationally blame you shaving it for the show getting cancelled) is pretty fucking funny while also have the proper level of gravitas, and I hope he gets cast in something soon. ANYWAY, the point is that I understand why the show got cancelled. The stories were lame, particularly in the second (revamped) half of the season, and it relied too much on its "OMG we're in LA so let's do faux-Hollywood stories" bullshit. Snooze. Wake me up when you bring Linus Roache and Sam Waterston back into my life.
  • NBC does suck, but I do appreciate them keeping low-rated comedies on the air that I love. "30 Rock" and "Community" are pretty great, but I have no qualms in saying that "Parks and Recreation" is the best comedy on TV. Period. The end. If you're not watching it, I'll just say that you don't even need to start from the beginning. Read a synopsis of the characters and pick up on season 2. Season 1 isn't amazing (although it's totally worth watching AFTER season 2 makes you fall in love with the characters - and I'd actually say to go back to season 1 after the middle of season 2 because if you get all the way through season 2, season 1 will just make you feel weird), but the rest of the show is. WATCH IT. LOVE IT. BE IT. 
  • I watch "Cougar Town." I'm not ashamed. It is ridiculous, and trashy, and also Courtney Cox's and Crista Miller's faces look like they got into a car accident with some Botox needles... but it's still pretty fucking funny. I legitimately laughed out loud at 2 different lines from that show tonight. (For example, Busy Phillips saying to Lou Diamond Phillips [YES, LOU DIAMOND FUCKING PHILLIPS]: “I don’t know exactly what your race is, but I’m into it in a big way.”) AND LOOK. A Shawshank recreation from the first season: IT LOVES DUDES TOO! Kinda. Anyway, it at least loves drinking... A LOT. And we can all get behind that, right? Ignore the name. Or don't, because saying you like "Cougar Town" makes you sound ironic, and seeing as our culture is being ruined by stupid ironic hipsters saying stupid ironic hipster things... saying you like "Cougar Town" squarely puts you in that corner. Ironically.
  • OH! Hipsters. This reminds me that you should also be watching "Happy Endings," another show on ABC. It's made for 20-somethings of all ages. Trust me. I can't even, with this show. You just need to watch it. But they have a Nerf gun ep, a hipster ep, a Hitler/coming out ep, and other things that you can TOTES relate to. TOTES. Do it.
Holy shit, that is a lot of random thoughts... most of them about TV. I think I have a problem. SOMEONE GET ME A JOB CARING ABOUT TV. OR ENTERTAINMENT IN GENERAL. I could blog all day about shit like that, and be just as funny as people on snarky entertainment sites (the point being that most of those people aren't all that funny). Plus, all those people are, like, 23 or some ridiculous shit, so I should DEFINITELY HAVE THEIR JOBS BECAUSE I'M OLDER. GIVE THEM. GIVE ME ALL THE JOBS.

Remember when this post was about pickles?


  1. I love so much of this. ALSO, I will NO JOKE make those pickles with you. ALSO ALSO, I bought some pickles called "Sweet Fire" pickles and while I don't like sweet pickles alone these are SPICY too and for some reason it's everything my mouth has ever wanted.

    Also also also, Happy Endings might be my favorite thing to watch right now. Like, I've pretty much stopped paying attention while House is on but I am glued to Happy Endings. Even the not well written/acted bits make me laugh.

  2. YAY LET'S MAKE KOOL AID PICKLES. Also, I would try those Sweet Fire pickles. But I will also kick you if I find them to be disgusting.

    I just watched an episode of Happy Endings! I'm not caught up, but I love it too. It's just so... people we know. We are those people. WE NEED A TV SHOW.
